Revision of a translation already in your possession is useful in all those cases in which you require a guarantee that a translation has been carried out perfectly using your text as a starting point. It is a useful service in cases in which the quality of the target text is high, or when knowledge of the target language by the writer is high, but not at native speaker level. Clients used to writing in a foreign language are given the guarantee of an exemplary text thank to revision by a native speaker translator specialised in their sector, who checks the fluency of a text, the presence of wrong expression and incorrectly translated terms. The translation editing service includes proofreading of the text for grammar, typing errors, spacing, syllabication, misprints of all various kinds, and the general coherence of the text and syntax.


The double check of the translation by a second translator whose mother tongue is the target language is the quality procedure used by Centoservizi on the request of the client for a total guarantee of the text, based on the “double check” principle, currently defined by regulations (UNI-EN15038:2006 European quality standard for translation services). The comparison between two mother-tongue colleagues, the translator and the reviser, allows an accurate check to be carried out on the text as a whole, on its conformity to the purpose for which it is intended, on the choice of a specific word, synonym or expression and eliminates the risk of arbitrary interpretations.


Il contributo di un copywriter esperto nella lingua di destinazione è fondamentale nei testi ad uso pubblicitario, marketing o in testi particolarmente ricchi di colore, di atmosfera e di figure retoriche. 
In questi casi la traduzione letterale non è adeguata a trasferire il significato del testo nella lingua di arrivo.
Occorre una traduzione creativa, che implica la riscrittura del testo in sintonia con la sensibilità dei lettori stranieri. La conoscenza del contesto culturale e linguistico di partenza e di arrivo è importante per veicolare il trasferimento di tutti i livelli di significato, insieme a una grande capacità di plasmare il linguaggio con creatività, espressività, ironia. I nostri copywriter lavorano nelle lingue straniere più richieste, sia in affiancamento al traduttore, revisionando il testo nella lingua di arrivo per adattarlo agli obiettivi della comunicazione, sia in autonomia, effettuando direttamente una traduzione creativa. In pubblicità, nel caso di headline, pay-off e testi strategici per una campagna pubblicitaria, il copywriter offre più alternative di traduzione, che il cliente potrà valutare per trovare quella che esprime meglio il senso del messaggio originale. 


As a support to translations, we offer graphic page-setting of texts in foreign languages. With the support of InDesign and the availability of files in the source language, our professionals can proceed in two ways:

  • page-setting at the same time as translation, very useful in the case of translations of manuals, to optimise costs and times and to recreate the same division into sections and paragraphs, and the use of formulas and special characters;
  • graphic page-setting of translated texts onto the desired type of support/format. In the case of magazines, newsletters, catalogues and brochures, we can proceed with a complex graphic page-setting which integrates the text and images. Essential in those languages with different alphabets (Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese) and in all foreign languages in which the risk of wrong syllabication and starting new paragraphs can damage the end result and the sense of the text.
Among the additional translation services, we also offer in-company language courses.


Centoservizi can organise customised language courses for individuals or small groups. Although we are not a traditional language school, the language skills of our professionals and their qualifications to teach foreign languages allow us to organise specific, targeted courses: intensive courses for companies, individual lessons in view of a transfer abroad, courses on the language of a specific sector to improve technical skills for company personnel, or remote conversation courses on Skype. Our office is at your disposal to assess your needs and define the best language program with you.